Skin Care Products

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1616 Gunbarrel Road Suite 103
Chattanooga, TN
Phone: (423) 826-8200

What is Latisse? 

Latisse solution is a prescription treatment for hypotrichosis used to grow eyelashes, making them longer, thicker and darker.  Eyelash hypotrichosis is another name for having inadequate or not enough eyelashes.

How long does it take to see results?

Latisse solution works gradually.  While you may start seeing longer lashes after 4 weeks, to reach maximum length, fullness, and darkness, you must use Latisse every day for 16 weeks. 

How do you use Latisse?

Before applying Latisse, ensure your face is clean, makeup and contact lenses are removed.  Remove an applicator from its tray.  Then, holding the sterile applicator horizontally, place one drop of Latisse solution on the area of the applicator closest to the tip, but not on the tip.  Apply Latisse along the skin at the base of the upper eyelashes (where the eyelashes meet the skin) going from the inner part of your lash line to the outer part.  Blot any excess solution beyond the eyelid with a tissue.  Dispose of the applicator after one use.  Repeat for opposite eyelid, using a new, sterile applicator to help minimize any potential for contamination from one eyelid to another.

What are possible side effects?

If you are using, or have used, prescription products for any eye pressure problems, only use Latisse under close doctor care.  Latisse use, may cause increased brown pigmentation of the colored part of the eye which is likely permanent.  Eyelid skin darkening may occur which may be reversible.  Only apply at the base of the upper eyelashes.  Do not apply to the lower eyelid.  Hair grown may occur in other skin areas that Latisse solution frequently touches.  If you develop or experience any eye problems or have eye surgery, consult your doctor immediately about continued use of Latisse.  The most common side effects after using Latisse solution are itchy eyes and/or eye redness.  If discontinued, lashes will gradually return to their previous appearance. 

*This website is for Informational Purposes only, and is not intended to provide medical advice.